Test papers

Benzoaldehyde Where is benzaldehyde used?

Benzoaldehyde Where is benzaldehyde used?

Benzaldehyde (C 7 H 6 O) is a common aromatic aldehyde that can be found in bitter oil...

“Children and War”: essay-reasoning for schoolchildren

Leonid Maksimovich Leonov is a famous Russian writer, author of many works for adults. In his...

Presentation on the topic: Science and its role in modern society

Presentation on the topic: Science and its role in modern society

Tkacheva Angelina Presentation on biology on the topic "Diversity of living things and the science of systematics" created...

The regiment suffered a pogrom near Samara

The regiment suffered a pogrom near Samara

A criminal case has been brought to court against a group of natives of the Caucasus accused of attacking a military...

What is a synopsis and how to write it Plan a synopsis example of compilation

What is a synopsis and how to write it Plan a synopsis example of compilation

A lesson plan is a brief description of a training session, indicating its topic, goals, progress and...

Alpine-Himalayan fold belt of mountains and highlands

Alpine-Himalayan fold belt of mountains and highlands

Alpine folding is an era in the history of the formation of the earth's crust. During this era, the highest...

Integrated, separate and hyphenated spelling of various parts of speech Integrated, separate and hyphenated spelling of words

Integrated, separate and hyphenated spelling of various parts of speech Integrated, separate and hyphenated spelling of words

The basic principle of continuous and separate writing is highlighting words in writing. Parts of words are written together...

"Railroad" by Nekrasov: theme, idea of ​​the poem

Nekrasov is a poet whose works are imbued with genuine love for the people. They called him “Russian folk”...

"Railroad" by Nekrasov: theme, idea of ​​the poem

Nekrasov is a poet whose works are imbued with genuine love for the people. They called him “Russian folk”...

Proverbs and sayings about language

Proverbs and sayings about language

Language is a way of communication, something that largely characterizes a nation. The Russian language is famous for its richness and...